30-60-90-Day Plan

30-60-90-Day Plan
LinkedIn Article

The first 30, 60, and 90 days are crucial for a new manager's success. Here is an example of a 30-60-90-day plan for a new manager.

30 Day Plan

What: Learning & Connecting

Purpose: Become a team member by learning about the organization and connecting to people


  • Read relevant internal materials
  • Study the organization's vision, mission, and strategy
  • Learn about the company hierarchy, culture, and code of conduct
  • Meet the team and learn team dynamics
  • Meet with stakeholders and coworkers
  • Understand the product and audience
  • Setup system and accounts
  • Set up recurring meetings with individuals where appropriate
  • Maintain the team's current performance output

60 Day Plan

What: Contributing & Proposing

Purpose: Become a contributor and demonstrate an understanding of the organization


  • Identify strengths of team members
  • Identify current challenges for the team
  • Understand the product roadmap and vital strategic areas
  • Identify business objectives and goals
  • Create proposals for improvements to team processes
  • Ensure current project deadlines are met
  • Develop relationships outside of your team
  • Organize team bonding events

90 Day Plan

What: Leading & Executing

Purpose: Become a leader who is trusted to execute


  • Deliver superior results on team projects
  • Ramp up the output of your team by 10 percent
  • Perform better on the business's feedback
  • Smooth out the kinks in the team's workflow