Awards & Honors

Explore my various honors, awards, publications, presentations, and patents.
Individual Honors & Awards
- Going the Extra Mile (GEM) award, NBCUniversal, 2016
- Engineering Achievement for Student Welfare, UCLA School of Engineering, 2005
- Jeffrey Hanson Award for Distinguished Service, UCLA Graduate Students Association, 2005
- Chancellor's Service Award, UCLA, 2005
- Charles E. Harless Graduate Student Leadership Award, UCLA LGBT Center, 2005
- H. H. Chapman Award for Outstanding Computer User, University of Alabama, 1995
- 1st Place, Undergraduate Student Paper, "Sorting Networks for Parallel Computation", ACM Mid-Southeast Fall Conference, 1995
Organization & Team Awards
- Best Overall Intranet Honorable Mention for NBCUNow Intranet, Ragan Intranet Awards, NBCUniversal, 2017
- Best Entertainment App Nominee for Disney Movies Anywhere, Best Mobile App Awards, Walt Disney Company, 2015
- Mobile Sites & Apps Entertainment Webby Award Nominee for Disney Movies Anywhere, Webby Awards, Walt Disney Company, 2015
- Innovation Award for Disney Movies Anywhere, Entertainment Merchants Association, Walt Disney Company, 2014
- Family Choice Award for Disney Movies Anywhere, Family Choice Awards, Walt Disney Company, 2014
- Outstanding Achievement for Disney Aulani, Internet Advertising Awards, Walt Disney Company, 2011
- Outstanding Achievement for Disney Youth, Internet Advertising Awards, Walt Disney Company, 2011
- Outstanding Social Media for Disney Fairytale Weddings Facebook App, Internet Advertising Awards, Walt Disney Company, 2011
- Outstanding Achievement for ESPN Wide World of Sports, Internet Advertising Awards, Walt Disney Company, 2011
- Outstanding Achievement for Disneyland Next Generation Website, Internet Advertising Awards, Walt DisneyCompany, 2011
- Outstanding Achievement for Disney Engagements / Disney Weddings Website, Internet Advertising Awards, Walt Disney Company, 2010
- Outstanding Achievement for Disney Cruise Line Next Generation Website, Internet Advertising Awards, WaltDisney Company, 2010
- Outstanding Achievement for Walt Disney World Next Generation Website, Internet Advertising Awards, WaltDisney Company, 2009
- Outstanding Achievement for Walt Disney World Customized Maps, Internet Advertising Awards, Walt DisneyCompany, 2007
- Knowledge Retention after Online Tutorial: Randomized Educational Experiment among Resident Physicians, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2008
- Time course of knowledge retention among residents after an online tutorial, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2008
- Automated expert multiexponential biomodeling interactively over the Internet, Computing Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2005
- Design factors for educational technology to enhance diabetes care, American Diabetes Association Scientific Conference, 2005
- Design of a Longitudinal, Focused Tutorial System, Web-based Innovations in Medical Education, Society of General Internal Medicine, 2005
- Web-based Interactive Survey Environment: System Design and Initial Experience, MEDINFO: World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, 2004
- Automated Biomodeling for the World-Wide Web, Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol II, 2003
- Automated Biomodeling on the World Wide Web, SIGBIO Newsletter, Association for Computing Machinery, 2000
- Nevermore Chronicles web series episode #1.05, "It Will Be Ugly When We Move Out", 2015
- Lights, Camera, Stream! Behind the Scenes of Disney Movies Anywhere, Disney Developer Summit: APIs Unleashed, 2014
- Content Modeling with LEGO, Disney Developer Summit: CMS Discovery 2013
- US Patent #6,084,954, "System and method for correlating incoming and outgoing telephone calls using predictive logic", 2000