These are ways that I give recognition to teams and team members. These include awards I have given out to team members and fun mementos to humorously uplift team morale.
Seal of Awesomeness
I recognize team members by sending the team an email recognizing one individual for exceeding expectations. I will include this seal of awesomeness.

da Bomb Award
I encourage my teams to recognize individuals who go above and significantly impact a project. We call this the 'da Bomb Award' and include this personalized image for the individual.

Golden Scooper Award
One award I give quarterly is the 'Golden Scooper Award.' I give it to someone who cleans up the code base and improves its overall quality.

Get Out of Work Free
If a team member goes above and beyond, I would give them this 'Get Out of Work Free' card. The card allows the person to take a day off without impacting their time off or paycheck.

Mementos & Keepsakes
I wanted to give my team something unique and created trading cards for them. The cards had more information on the back, such as time at the company and any specialty areas. Here is a template card.